
Celebrating World Chocolate Day

19th Oct, 2021 By Andrew louise

World Chocolate Day, sometimes referred to as International Chocolate Days, is the annual celebration of chocolate. Occurring globally on July 7, the day was first celebrated back in 2009. However, besides this day, many countries even have their own national days where they celebrate chocolates. Not that chocolate lovers really needed an excuse to enjoy this yummy delicacy, but World Chocolate Day is just proof that this sweet treat deserves to be celebrated around the world! Whether you are a fan of milk chocolate or dark chocolate or like your chocolate white or with a hint of bitter in it, over the years, chocolate has taken so many shapes, forms, and tastes, that now nobody really has an excuse to hate it! 
As delicious as chocolate is, we can’t ignore the health benefits that come from consuming it (in moderation, of course). So, if you are looking for the perfect excuse to indulge today, here are a few benefits you can reap. 

  • Improves brain function
  • Powerful source of antioxidants
  • Can improve blood flow
  • Can reduce stress
  • Mood-booster

If you are looking for how you can celebrate this day beyond just eating the chocolate straight from the wrapper, here are a few chocolate-based desserts you could cook up. 

  • Chocolate lava cake 
  • Chocolate pudding
  • Chocolate pie
  • Black forest cake
  • Chocolate and walnut brownies
  • White chocolate fluffy cake
  • Chocolate and strawberry cupcakes
  • Chocolate and almond cookies
  • Dark, white and milk chocolate cookies
  • Peanut butter chocolate cake

We hope that we were able to inspire you to join us in celebrating World Chocolate Day today and if you are not already a chocolate fan, we hope that this is the year to join the other side! If you end up cooking any of our suggested sweet delights, then don’t forget to share pictures and tag us in your photos. We would love to see what you guys came up with. Till then, treat yourself and enjoy your cheat day!