
5 Reasons Why You Should Pick Organic

19th Oct, 2021 By Andrew louise

The term ‘organic’ refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. However, the term is used for a variety of products now, including but not limited to fabric, skincare, makeup etc. While the regulations vary from country to country, in the US, organic crops must be grown without the use of any synthetic herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, or bioengineered genes (GMOs). This means that even livestock raised for meat, eggs and dairy products must be raised in healthy living conditions and fed organic feed. Not only does organic production help reduce public health risks, evidence from various studies shows that food grown organically are rich in nutrients, such as Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, with less exposure to nitrates and pesticide residues in organically grown fruits, vegetables, and grains when compared to conventionally grown products.

At New Indian Supermarket, we assure you that the quality of our fresh produce and all our products are at par with what’s best for your nutritional requirements. We pride ourselves on following ‘quality first’ standards and promise you that we will continue to strive to deliver only the best. Here are some reasons why scientists and food specialists are encouraging people to go organic.  

  1. Nutrition: Organic food contains more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and micronutrients than conventionally raised food. 
  2. Environmental benefits: When you choose organic food, you automatically support the cultivation of a healthy environment, which is the need of the hour. Organic farming rebuilds soil health and stops harmful chemicals from getting into water supplies. Organic farming also releases fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Reduce pesticides in your diet: Organic farming produces healthy food without the use of toxic pesticides. However, some organic farmers do use pesticides that are primarily derived from natural substances. 
  4. Improve overall health: No artificial colours, flavors or preservatives are allowed in organic food. Cleaner food means cleaner diets which leads to improved overall health.
  5. Boost immune system: By eating organic foods, you also boost the strength of your immune system because organic foods are not altered at all. Furthermore, free from harmful chemicals, organic foods have quality and higher vitamin and mineral contents that help to strengthen the immune system without having to take any artificial supplements.